Management, use, protection and preservation of natural resources

JP “PARKOVI” doo Ljubuški & REFERENCE GROUP – ČAPLJINA are organizing a workshop on the topic: “Management, use, protection and preservation of natural resources in the Tihaljina – Mlade – Trebižat basin” which will be held in the premises of the business incubator, business zone “Zvirići”, 21 . September 2018 year, starting at 9:30 a.m.

Respecting domestic and global trends in the protection, preservation, use and management of natural resources, JP “PARKOVI” doo in cooperation and partnership with the Reference Group will strive to present and develop management and protection frameworks for long-term and sustainable management of a natural resource such as the Kravica waterfall, but and the entire river course of Tihaljina – Mlade – Trebižat from Peć mill to the mouth of the Neretva.
The planned workshop is just one of the tools used to demonstrate and encourage the local community to get involved in this tourist story, creating a unique tourist brand of Herzegovina as a competitive tourist destination.

Participating in the Program are:

– Photo exhibition – NATURA 2000
– Presentation of JP PARKOVI doo Ljubuški – director, Vedran Markotić
– PP Blidinje – director, Zdravko Kutle
– JP Vjetrenica – Popovo polje – director, Nikša Vuletić
– Laws on nature protection – Marinko Dalmatin
– KBA area – Trebižat – Imotsko – Bekisko polje – Ph.D. Marlena Ćutkeras
– Natura 2000 – M.Sc. Nebojsa Jerković
– Management plan of JP Vjetrenica – Popovo polje – Ana Soldo
– Photo club Fokus – Toni Kraljević

The program is followed by a tour of the Kravica waterfall and a tour of the Fokus photo club exhibition, as well as a tour of the archaeological museum on Humac and the Koćuša waterfall.

Edin Džeko and his wife Amra at the Kravica waterfall

Edin Džeko and his wife Amra at the Kravica waterfall

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From today you can buy tickets online

From today you can buy tickets online

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